The Rumbustion Society

Online User Manual /Frequently Asked Questions

Congratulations on finishing the education portion of the Rumbustion Society, and becoming a Disciple of The Cove!

Your rum journey will now continue online!  Rather than having a bartender punching a card after you’ve had a new rum, you will now request a sign-off through a website hosted by the company Bevager and optimized for your smart phone.  Below is everything you need to know about how the process works.  We would encourage you to take a minute to explore the brief tutorial below before beginning your rum journey!

Other Important Note:  Your account does not automatically come with credit for what you already tasted as part of the education program (i.e. the “punch card” rums).  Your first duty as a Disciple is to login to the website and request “approval” for your education tastings, which will count as 20 rums.  We ask that you do this within 48 hours of your becoming a Disciple in case there are any questions or problems that arise.  Instructions on how to request approval for these education tastings are part of the tutorial below.

For quick reference, here are the numbers of rums and immortals needed to advance to other levels in the club:

Level II: Guardian of The Cove

Disciples can embark on the second level of the club, which consists of sampling your way through 80 additional rums of your choosing out of the vast Smuggler’s Cove collection.  When you have had a total of 100 rums (your 20 rums counted from the education punch card plus 80 more), including at least two Immortal rums, you will become a Guardian of The Cove.  In an elaborate initiation ceremony, you will be awarded special prizes, a certificate of completion, merit badge, and your name will forever be emblazoned on the walls of Smuggler’s Cove for all to see.  You will be invited to special events and tastings.  You will also have the opportunity, should you dare, to move on to Level III.

Level III: Master of The Cove

The third level of the club invites you to sample 200 additional rums, including six more from our Immortal Rums Collection.  This achievement will be honored with the title Master of The Cove.  You will then have the opportunity to trace the spirit back to its birth as you join other Masters of The Cove on a private distillery visit.


Continue below for further instructions…

1) You’ll see a login screen, and should create a new account by clicking on “Create one now”:


2) You’ll be asked to enter your name, email address, and to set a password for your Rumbustion Society account and click on “Create Account”:

3) You will get a pop-up message that says your account is waiting for approval.


Your request will then go to the management staff at Smuggler's Cove.  Most requests are approved within 24-48 hours.  You will not receive a confirmation email, so simply check back and try logging in. If you aren't able to log in after 48 hours, email and let them know you're waiting for approval. 

4) Once you've been approved, you will be able to log in with the email address and password you selected when you registered your new account.


How do I request approval for the 20 education chapters I finished in order to become a Disciple?

1) Once you have logged in, your screen will look like this:

You can see your name and your level in the upper left hand corner. You’ll also note that your level is incorrectly set at “Initiate.” This is because you now have the all-important task of requesting approval for the 20 education tastings you already had and had punched by bartenders. They will be approved by the manager on duty either during the shift or at the end of the shift, and you will officially be a Disciple!

2) Below your level are a few search fields. The quickest way to find the 20 education chapters is to search for the word “Chapter” in the name search field. This will bring up all twenty of the education chapters - e.g. RS: Chapter 01, RS: Chapter 02, etc.:  


3) The Sign column indicates whether or not you’ve had a rum and had a manager sign off on it.  In the future, you will see 3 different indications in this column:

  • REQ – This is a rum that you haven’t yet had signed off

  • Orange refresh icon – This indicates you have requested a “signature” for a rum and are awaiting approval

  • Green check mark – This indicates you have been signed off/approved on the rum, and the initials of the approver.

Right now, however, you’ll notice all say REQ.  It is now time to request approval for the 20 education chapters you’ve completed.  

To do this, click first on RS: Chapter 01:

4) A screen will pop up with the rum, price, country, requests status and a notes box:


5) To request approval, click on the word Request next to Request Status:

6) The window will now display confirmation of the date and time of your request:

7) Close the window, and you will see this request shows as pending (it is pending approval by the manager on duty).  This is shown by an orange refresh icon:


8) Continue requesting the remaining 19 rums the same way until all 20 have the pending symbol:

9) These requests are now submitted, and a manager on duty will approve them either during their shift, or at the end of their shift.  [Note:  If you wish to order additional rums during the same visit in which you requested sign-off on your education rums, no problem.  You may now order what you like from the list.  At the end of your visit, you would request sign-off for those rums you’ve had – use your receipt as a guide (see remainder of the document below on tips on how to find rums, request signatures, and other FAQs).]

Once your twenty education chapters are approved, you will see green check marks next to them, with the initials of the manager who approved them:

10) Most importantly, you’ll also notice that your level has now changed, appropriately, to Disciple of the Cove, and that your total rum tally now appropriately reflects 20 rum credits for the chapters you’ve had signed off on:

Moving forward, how do I find particular rums to order and know which I’ve had?

All rums that have ever been available at Smuggler’s Cove are included in the list.  To quickly see what is currently available, click on the “Show Available Only” box (this is the default setting):

You will also notice that next to the Show Available Only filter, there is a filter next to this box that allows you to hide the rums you’ve already had from the list – click on the “Hide Signed and Requested” box to hide these rums.

If you already know the specific rum you want to try, there is a search name box in the upper left. You can also search by country or in your notes by entering information in those search boxes. You can search any part of a rum’s name, or country of origin, and matches will come up.

If you want to browse the rum list, you can sort it by Country, Item Name, Price, Sign, and Notes.  To sort, click on the column header (e.g. to sort by country, click on the word Country at the top of that column).


You’ll notice if you sort by Item Name, sometimes rums with asterisks will appear at the top – when we add a new rum at the bar we will usually add an asterisk at the beginning of the item and leave it there for a few months so those newer rums are easy to find.

As noted earlier, the Sign column indicates whether or not you’ve had a rum and had a manager sign off on it.  You may see 3 different indications in this column:

  • REQ – This is a rum that you haven’t yet had signed off

  • Orange refresh icon – This indicates you have requested a “signature” for a rum and are awaiting approval

  • Green check mark – This indicates you have been signed off/approved on the rum, and the initials of the approver.

Remember that to become a Guardian and later a Master, you must have a certain number of rare and special rums which we call “Immortals.”  (2 of your 100 total rums must be Immortals to become a Guardian, and 6 of your 300 total rums must be Immortals to become a Master).  Immortals are all colored blue for easy reference, and have immortal in their item name.  If you search “immortal” in the text box, they will all come up, or if you sort by price in descending order:

Note that your Immortal count is also tallied for you at the top of the screen.  These immortals are a subtotal, and are included in the total count above it (e.g. the above total count shows 22 and the Immortal count shows 1, meaning this person has had a total of 22 rums, of which 1 is an Immortal).

If there is a rum you are interested in, order it from a bartender, as usual.

Back to Instructions

How do I request a signature for the rum I bought?

Once you have closed your tab for the night, use your receipt as a guide and look up each rum you had during your visit.  You don’t have to track down a bartender or manager to approve the rum, but we do ask that you put in your requests for signatures while you are still at the Cove.  That way we all remember to get your rums signed off.  It is also easier for the manager to find your receipt in the system to confirm your request.

The process for requesting a signature is the same as you just went through above to request your 20 education rums.  Let’s say, you had Plantation Barbados 2001.  You would click on the rum:

A screen will pop up with the rum, price, country, requests status and a notes box. To request approval, click on the word Request next to Request Status.

You will have immediate confirmation that the request has been sent, with a date and time stamp:


On your list of rums, there will now be a pending symbol:

During their shift or at the end of the night, the manager on duty will review and approve all requests.  They will have access to the night’s checks for accuracy.

After the rum has been approved, when you refresh the rum list on your phone, you will see a check mark next to the rum, showing it was approved:

Is there any way for me to take notes about the rums?

At any point you are free to add or edit notes about the rums you’ve had in the notes box – before, during, or after the rum has been approved.  Simply click on the rum, and enter notes in the pop-up box, and click save notes:

Those notes will then appear in your main screen:

Handy tip: if you want to create a “wish” list for next time you’re at The Cove, make a note in the notes field. So, “want to try next” or some such. Then, when you come in next, you can use the “Search Notes” field to find those quickly

What happens if I accidentally request approval for the wrong rum?

No problem – just flag down a manager and let them know right away so they can reject the request.  This rum will go back to being one you can request at a future date.

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What happens if someone else pays for my rum?

No problem – just flag down a manager before you go and let them know that the rum you drank and are requesting a signature for will not be appearing on your check, and let them know whose check they should expect to see it on.

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Is there Wi-Fi at The Cove?

When you became a Disciple of the Cove, you were handed a small membership card that contains our super- secret Wi-Fi network and password.  This is exclusively for Rumbustion Society members level Disciple and up! Seriously, please don't tell anyone, as we don't want to overload the system, and it really is supposed to be a perk for all of you. Also, please don't just come in with laptops and work. Drink rum!

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How do I change the email address or password associated with my online club account?

To change the email address or password associated with your account, use the Manage Account feature:


What happens if I forget the password to my account?

Next time you are at Smuggler’s Cove, ask a manager to reset your password.  They will reset it for you and give you a temporary password.  You will login with that temporary password and then change your password using the Manage Account feature (see question above).   If you’re not at The Cove and need a password reset, please email and use “Rumbustion Society Password Reset” as the subject line.

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What happens if I still have questions?

Please feel free to ask your manager if you have additional questions or email and use “Rumbustion Society Online Question” as the subject line. 

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